DU Passerelle (eng)

DU PASSERELLE is a diploma specifically intended for students in exile. It is part of the solidarity measures towards refugees and asylum seekers students introduced by CIREFE in 2015, and implemented in University Rennes 2.

This intensive training in language, culture and university methodology forms a bridge to french university, and allow students that have been forced to put an end to their former courses to acquire all the linguistic, cutural and methodologic pre-requisites to enroll in a university course in France.

This University Diploma aim at giving linguistic, cultural and methodologic skills at level B2, or even at level C1 of the CECRL, permitting a reintegration in a university course for students in exile.

As the outcome of this training, students will master the 4 proficiencies of the targeted level (B2 or C1, depending on the traning).

Alongside the linguistic proficiencies, this traning is aiming at delivering culturals and academics competences mandatory to academic success. In the end, students should be able to :

  • Understand the academic codes and know how to face traditional evaluations in french university.
  • Answering the personnal work requirements : methodologic organisation, document research.
  • Take notes and write in french.
  • Speak in french for a short presentation.
  • Integrate in a group working in french.
  • Being able to present his application to university (information search, resumé and cover letter writting).
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