Exemples of Thematic Web Maps, with code explanation
based on MapLibreGL
MapLibre GL is a community led fork derived from mapbox-gl-js prior to their switch to a non-OSS license.
    Basic Map   
A basic Web Map consists of a base map (vector tiles), it allows you to move and zoom and even add an interactive marker !
Basic Web Map
Code on Gitlab
Web Map with menu to change Basemap style
Code on Gitlab
    Dot Map   
A dot distribution map, or dot density map, is a type of thematic map that uses a point symbol to visualize the geographic distribution of a large number of related phenomena. Dot maps rely on a visual scatter to show spatial patterns, especially variances in density.
Code on Gitlab    Choroplet Map   
A choropleth map of pre-defined areas is colored or patterned in proportion to a statistical variable that represents an aggregate summary of a geographic characteristic within each area, such as population density or per-capita income.
Code on Gitlab    Graduated Symbol Map   
A Graduated (or Proportional) symbol map is a type of Thematic map that uses map symbols that vary in size to represent a quantitative variable. For example, circles may be used to show within the map the population of each city.
Classical Graduated symbol map
Code on Gitlab
Colored Graduated symbol map
Code on Gitlab
A heatmap is a data visualization technique that shows magnitude of a phenomenon as color in two dimensions. The variation in color may be by hue or intensity, giving obvious visual cues to the reader about how the phenomenon is clustered or varies over space.
Code on GitlabOur map clustering algorithm looks for markers that are near each other and replaces them with another icon to represent multiple markers. That icon will be labeled by default with the number of markers it contains, but can optionally be used to show the average or sum of specific data
Basic Cluster Map
Code on Gitlab
Cluster thematic Map
Code on Gitlab
    3D Map   
A 3D Map allows you to express your data using three axes: length, width, and height, which can give your maps greater impact. Prism Maps are a type of 3D map in which the height of the geography correlates to a specific value so that the greater the value, the higher the height of the geography.
3D Map based on Grid Population
Code on Gitlab
3D Map based on buildings
Code on Gitlab
3D Choropleth Map
Code on Gitlab
    Other Maps   
MaplibreGL can be used to produce multiple other types of Web Maps, such as Animated Maps, Swipe Maps, Sync Maps, or Web Maps displaying WMS services
Swipe Map
Code on Gitlab
Animated Map
Code on Gitlab
Web Map with externals WMS sources
Code on Gitlab
MapLibre with menu and legend
Code on Gitlab
    The Project    
At the intersection of Spatial Data Science and Urban Planning, the GEOVIZ-URBA
research program aims to study community practices in terms of urban data (geo)visualization and to make a prospective of (potential) uses through experimentation.
The project is supported by the Human Sciences Institute in Brittany
& Rennes 2 University
All Web Maps on this Website based on MapLibreGL.js. The open-source fork of Mapbox GL JS: Interactive maps in the browser, powered by vector tiles and WebGL.
The syntaxes (HTML / CSS / JavaScript) of each Web Map are commented on and available on a dedicated Gitlab page.
All spatial data of the Web Maps produced by public actors (IGN, INSEE, Ville de Paris,...) and available in opendata.
They can be downloaded in this Github page.